CRYPTIDS 101: Devil Monkey


Initially sighted in 1934 south of Pittsburgh, Tennessee the Devil Monkey is a fast, agile cryptid.  Local & national newspapers described a mysterious beast that could “leap across fields” with “lightening speed.” Devil Monkeys can reportedly jump great distances up to 20 feet.

In 1973, famed cryptozoologist and author Lauren Coleman investigated reports of three, black bushy-tailed “giant monkeys” that were said to have slaughtered livestock in Albany, Kentucky.  Coleman mentioned the event in an interview with Animal Planet: “I investigated that case in depth. I interviewed the people, who were very sincere. In the whole context of devil monkey reports, it seemed extremely sincere.

The Appalachian region has numerous Devil Monkey witness accounts.


There have been reports of "Devil monkeys" which are large baboon like primates that are now being spotted in the wooded areas of Flagstaff, Arizona. The eye witness said that she noticed her dog was acting very agitated when they we're on they're hike through Mt. Elden forest trail, when she noticed a small group of primitive looking creatures scurrying through the rocks. She described them as 4-5 feet tall, very quick and agile. These so called creatures are called "Devil Monkeys" in other places of the United States. There have also been other sightings in other states such as New Mexico, Utah and Colorado.
Unique breeds of monkey have been described as being about 3 to 4 feet tall, although some eyewitnesses have sworn that these furry fiends can reach a height that is in excess of 7 feet.

Devil Monkeys are very dangerous & aggressive


You have these reports of hairy, monkey-like creatures with tails, very different from Bigfoot.” In 1979, there was a spate of reported encounters with a bipedal, monkey-like critter known as the Bigfoot which hailed from the rural depths of Georgia. One female eyewitness described it as: “The ugliest looking thing I've ever seen… (it had a tail) like a beaver’s, but it’s bushy.” She also claimed in bore “a face like a dog.” These traits are all known to be Devil Monkey characteristics. In fact, more than a few eyewitnesses have describe these beasts as resembling a wild dog at a distance, which suggests that this creature may employ both bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion.

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📕 Devil Monkey 📕 
"A strange creepy creature has been roaming Appalachia, the Midwest, and Alaska in the United States for over 100 years."


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